Medbourne, Leicestershire
Relatively little is known about the Staveleys of Medbourne. In his will George Staveley is referred to as "late of Cossington", and was Rector of Medbourne prior to his death c. 1710. The following is the last will and testament of a William Staveley of Medbourne, perhaps a brother to George:
In the Name of God Amen
I William Staveley of Medburn in the County of Leicester, Esquire do make this my last will and testament. Imprimio I give and devise to John Waffornd of Scarborough in the County of Leicester aforesaid gentleman and to his heirs and assigns all my land tenements and hereditaments in the parish or liberties of Ilston on the Hill in the said County of Leicester or elsewhere in the Kingdom of Britain and all my personall Estate whatsoever I give to the said John Wafford he paying thereout all such just debts and legacies as are hereinafter mentioned and all such other legacies and sums of money as I shall by any Codicill or further part of this my Will under my hand and seal be personaly attested or by any other writing under my hand and seal to be duly attested as aforesaid order and appoint. Item I give to Thomas Busby of Husbands Bosworth in the said County of Leicester Gentleman twelve pounds and if he should dye before me I give the said twelve pounds to Charles Ffortofino of Bosworth afresaid Esquire which I desire they will pay to the English ? of Rouen in Ffrance. Item I give to Joseph Bushby a calendar who lived about the year of our Lord 1690 in an alley going out of ?hill London into ? Church Street ? the Rainbow or Jeweller Coffee house the sum of seven pounds and in case of his death to his wife or children. Item I give to my Cousin Mary Wolsted daughter of Thomas Wolsted Gentleman to be put out to interest and the principal and interest to be paid her when she rounds to the age of one and twenty-years or day of marriage the sum of ten pounds. Item I give to Mr. Gill who formerly lived with Mr. George Mason a Mercer at the Hen and Chickens' on Ludgate Hill (and in case of his death his wife and children the sum of ten pounds. Mr. Wise a Mercer on Ludgate Hill can give information where he may be heard of from I give ten pounds to Edward Pawlett a tubman belonging to some of the Brewhouses in St. Giles's and in case of his death to his wife and Children. Mr. Charles Sanderson Attorney of the Middle Temple can give information of him. Item I give to my Cousin George Mason's Widow or to her daughter the sum of two pounds. Item I give to the son of John Frisby late of Medburn aforesaid deceased five pounds in case I don't pay it in my lifetime. Item I give forty shillings to and amongst the following poor people of Medburn aforesaid Viz. Widow Isalliik, the two widows Ules's, - widow Smith Mother of Joseph Smith, Widdow Bond, Charles White, Charles Cooper, Goody Curtis, Susannah ? and Hannah Chapman. Item I give to Mrs. Mary Stafford afo' Staveley if living, the sum of Eighty pounds provided she executes a General Release to my executor of all her interest and demand which she may cliam to have of or unto any of the real or personall Estate of me the said William Staveley, but if she shall refuse to execute such general release my mind and ? that the said legacies of eighty pounds shall not be paid to her till she do's. Item I do hereby name Consent and appoint the said John Wafford sole executor of this my last will and tesatment and do give the said john Wafforne two Guineas for his trouble therein and do allow the said John Waffond to reimburse himself out of my estate and effects all such charges and for what extraordinary trouble as he shall be put unto in the execution of the trust hereby in him reposed. Item I give to my nephew Stavely par? ten pounds. In witness whereof the said William Staveley have set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of september in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and twenty two. W. Staveley Signed sealed and published and declared by the said wiliam staveley the testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us and by us attested in his presence, Thomas Pateman, Richard Frisby, the mark of Elsbeth Ffranch.