Pangbourne, Berkshire
One of the earliest Staveley families to appear in Berkshire is that of Ambrose Staveley and Mary WHISTLER in the parish of Pangbourne. Ambrose Staveley is believed to be the son of Henry Staveley and Mary of the Oxfordshire/Leicestershire Staveley line. Ambrose married Mary WHISTLER on January 1, 1651 in Caversham, Oxfordshire. Mary was the daughter of Edward Whistler of Gatehampton, Oxfordshire.
In the early 1650's Ambrose and Mary had the following two children:
Anne Staveley |
b. November 18, 1651 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
Marie Staveley |
b. February 6, 1653 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
Ambrose's first wife Mary appears to have died in October 1660. In 1661 there is a subsequent marriage for Ambrose listed in Kingsclere, Hampshire to a Mary POPE on November 5, 1661. In 1664, again in Pangbourne, a daughter Dorothy was born to Ambrose and Mary POPE:
Dorothy Staveley |
b. May 3, 1664 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
As suggested in the following excerpt, Ambrose's wife Mary POPE appears to be the Aunt of the great English poet Alexander Pope (1688-1744):
"POPE, Alexander (1688-1744): Poet, son of Alexander Pope, by his wife Edith, daughter of William Turner of York, was born in Lombard Street, London, on 21 May 1688. Pope's paternal grandfather is supposed to have been Alexander Pope, rector of Thruxton, Hampshire (instituted 1 May 1630-1; information from the Winchester bishop's register, communicated by Mr J. C. Smith , of Somerset House), who died in 1645. The poet's father, according to his epitaph, was seventy-five at his death, 23 Oct. 1717, and therefore born in 1641 or 1642. According to Warton, he was a merchant at Lisbon, where he was converted to catholicism. He was afterwards a linendraper in Broad Street, London. A first wife Magdalen, was buried 12 Aug. 1679 (register of St. Benet Fink); he had by her a daughter Magdalen, afterwards Mrs. Rackett; and in the Pangbourne register, Ambrose Staveley, the rector, records the burial of 'Alexander Pope, son of my brother-in-law, Alexander Pope, merchant of London, on 1 Sept. 1682' (information from Mr. J. C. Smith). Pope's statement in a note in the Epistle to Artbuthnot, that his father belonged to the family of the Earls of Downe, appears to have been a fiction (Warton, Essay, ii. 255). The poet's maternal grandfather descended from a family of small landowners in Yorkshire..."
The Concise Dictionary of National Biography, Vol 22 - Pockcock-Robins. Pub: Elder & Co (1903), Pages 109-110.
This suggests that Ambrose's daughter Dorothy, and Alexander Pope (1688-1744) would have been first cousins, as Alexander's father, Alexander (b. 1641) was Mary Pope's brother.
In 1641 Ambrose Staveley entered Jesus College, Cambridge, and Pembroke College in 1644/5 where he became a fellow in 1645 but was then expelled in 1646! Some years later, in 1655, in wrote a book entitled "Judex Expurgatorious" (a Sermon on Purgatory). Ambrose later became the rector of Pangbourne from 1668-1684, and he died in Pangbourne in 1688. According to the History of Leicestershire by Thomas Staveley, there is an Epitaph to Ambrose's wife Mary within the alter rails at Pangbourne Church. However, on closer inspection it is a floor memorial outside of the vestry (perhaps moved), and reads as follows:
A will for Ambrose's daughter Anne helps to clarify the Staveley/Whistler/Pope family relationships further:
Anna Staueley
In the name of God Amen
I Anne Staveley of Pangborne in the County of Berks Spinster being of a sound and perfect mind and memory (thanks be given to the almighty God for the same) and being willing as far as in me lyeth to dispose of the that worldly estate herewith all God hath bin pleased to blesse me. So that no difference may arise after my decease about the same I do make and order in this my last will and testament in manner and form following (That is to say). First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Christ hopeing that through the meritts of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and redeemer to receive pardon and forgiveness of all my sinnes and my body comitt to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried in the Chancell of the parish church of Pangbourne aforesaid near unto my sister Mary att the discretions of my Executor herein after named. And where as my late Grandfather Edward Whistler of Gatehampton of his last will and testament dated about the month of July in the year of our lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and one did give and devise to his Executors therein named the sum of Ffour hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England to continue in their hands for the life and benefitt of my mother Mary Staveley (being the only daughter of the said Edward Whistler my said Grandfather) and of such children she should have by my now ffather Ambrose Staveley of Pangbourne aforesaid Clerke which said Mary Staveley my said mother is late deceased and had only issue two daughters me the said Anne and my sister Mary who is late deceased after (which said will the executors thereof refusing to make Probati thereof or to meddle with the said four Hundred pounds or any other Estate of the said Edward Whistler) John Whistler sonne and heir of the said Edward Whistler by consent of the said Executors took out lottery of administration and both by decree out of the high and honorable Court of Chancery in Trinity Term in the thirteenth year of the night of our now Sovereigne Lord King Charles the Second over England. As also by deed under the hand and seale of him the said John Whistler dated the Seaventeenth day of October then following in the said thirteenth year of our said Sovereign Lord the King aforesaid. Wherein and whereby the said Ffour Hundred pounds was decreed and gifted on me and my said deceased sister to be paid us all out severall ..........age and ages of one and twenty years or within one month next after either or any of our day or dayes of our marriage or marriages respectively which should first happen and if the said Anne or Mary should dye before the said time of payment then the said sum to go and be paid to the survivor according to the said last will and testament of the said Edward Whistler asin and by the same relation being thereunto had it doth and my more fully app.. By virtue whereof as also by the death of my said sister Mary the said full and whole sum of four hundred pounds and all interest due for the same is ...belongs unto me as survivor of my said sister Mary. I doe therefore ...devise and bequeath the said four hundred pounds with all the interest thereof due or to be due for the same (being in the hand, and so secured by the said John Whistler as aforesaid together with the said order and decree deeds and all other writings whatsoever concerning the same unto the said Ambrose Staveley my said father forever and my will and mind is that out of the said four hundreds pounds and interest so to be received by the said Ambrose Staveley of the said John Whistler his hence executors administrators and assigns (but not otherwise) my said father Ambrose Staveley his executors and administrators shall pay out of the same and not otherwise all and every these legacies following (viz). Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Aunt Elizabeth Merchant (?) of Causham and to all her Children living at my death thirty pounds to be paid out of the same in manner following (vizt). That my said Aunt shall and may have the use or interest thereof having her life and after her death that the said thirty pounds be equally divided share and share alike to each and every her child and children that shall be living at my death after recovery and receipt thereof. Item I give and bequeath unto my uncle Mr. Alexander Pope twenty pounds to be paid out of the same within the space of twelve months next after my death and recovery and receipt thereof. Item I give and bequeath unto my Cousen Mr. Thomas Mason of Sulham in the County of Berks. ffive pounds to be paid out of the same within the space of twelve months next after my decease and the recovery and receipt thereof. Item I give and bequeath to my Cousen John Whistler of Whitchurch in the County of Oxon ffive pounds to be paid out of the same within the space of twelve months next after my decease and the recovery and receipt thereof. Item I give and bequeath to my uncle the above named Mr. John Whistler of Gatehampton in the said County of Oxon ffive pounds to be paid out of the same within the space of twelve months next after my decease and the recovery and receipt thereof. Item I give and bequeath to the Church of Pangbourne aforesaid ffive pounds to be paid out of the same within the space of twelve months next after my decease and the recovery and receipt thereof. Item I give and bequeath unto six Children of my said Cousen Mr. John Whistler of Whitchurch to each and every of them a Gold Ring a piece to be paid and given out of the same after the recovery and receipt thereof as aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath unto five children of my said uncle Mr. John Whistler of Gatehampton to each and every of them a gold ring a piece to be paid and given out of the same after recovery and receipt thereof as aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath to my Cousens Robert Mason and Mrs. Elizabeth Mason to each of them a gold ring a piece to be paid and given out of the same after recovery and receipt thereof as aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath to the poor of Pangborne aforesaid ten pounds to be paid unto them within the space of one month next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving mother in law1 Mrs Mary Staveley one gold ring to be paid unto her forthwith upon my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my Aunt Dorothy POPE one Gold Ring to be paid unto her forthwith upon my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my uncle Mr. William Pope one gold ring to be paid unto him forthwith upon my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my uncle Mr. Alexander Pope one gold Ring to be paid unto him forthwith upon my decease. I give and bequeath unto my uncle Mr. John Whistler of Gatehampton and my Aunt Anne Whistler his wife to each of them a gold ring a piece to be paid unto him and her forthwith upon my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen Mr. John Whistler of Whitchurch and my Cosin Elizabeth Whistler his wife to each of them a gold ring a piece to be paid unto him and her forthwith upon my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen Mr. Thomas Mason of Sulham and my Cosen Margaret Mason his wife to each of them a gold ring a piece to be paid him and her forthwith upon my decease. Item I give to the widdow Instin(?) of Pangborne aforesaid a gold ring to be paid unto her forthwith upon my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving sister in law Mrs. Dorothy Staveley1 forever all my plate and lynnen whatsoever which I shall have at the time of my decease. Item I doe further give and bequeath unto my said loving sister in law Mrs. Dorothy Staveley the sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my executors herein after named his executors and administrators within the space of six months next after the decease of my said executor herein after named. Item I give and bequeath unto the minister who shall bury me forty shillings. I doe hereby make nominate and appoint my loving ffather Ambrose Staveley of Pangborne aforesaid Clerke my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament and I give devise and bequeath unto him all and every other my cattle and chattles of what kind or nature sort they be (not hereby before given or bequeathed) whatsoever. In witnes whereof revoking all other wills by me formerly made of the said Anne Stavely have to this my last will and testament put my hand and seale this present third day of July in the Twenty Eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defendant of the faith Anno Din 1676, Anne Staveley, Signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the said Anne Staveley by the abovesaid Anne Staveley in the presence of John Brittenden, John Cook, Thomas Wilson, Jo. Blagravi.
1Relationship term 'In Law' - In the 17th Century the term "in-law" referred to the relationships that we now call "step". In contemporary society, in law is a term used to designate someone to whom you are related by your own marriage or that of a sibling. In the 17th Century, this term also referred to relationships created by the marriage of a parent, currently called "step" relationships. Thus a "mother-in-law" in the 17th century, may have been a father's second wife. The term appears to have been used in this context by Anne, as her father married Mary POPE in 1661 which would be by modern terms her "step mother", and had a daughter Dorothy, Anne's "step sister". However, in this 17th Century text, Anne clearly refers to Mary and Dorothy, her step-mother and step-sister, as her "in-laws".
Ambrose Staveley died on August 4, 1688.
As Ambrose fathered 3 daughters, and both Mary and Anne died quite young, this Staveley branch is believed to now be extinct. The only continuation of this line could be via Ambrose and Mary Pope's daughter Dorothy. There is a record of marriage for Dorothy Staveley in the nearby parish of Englefield to Nicholas POTTINGER on November 8, 1681. Dorothy and Nicholas are then known to have had the following children in Pangbourne parish:
Mary Potenger |
b. December 9 1683 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
Dorothy Potenger |
b. October 8, 1685 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
Anne Potenger |
b. January 13, 1686 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
Richard Potenger |
b. January 12, 1687 |
Pangbourne, Berkshire |
From notes by Peter Staveley and Clare Staveley